Comes with all the essentials and a lot of fun extras, including even a kitchen sink!
I live in the rainy, wild Pacific Northwest, a misty land of almost 880,000 acres of roadless, nearly unexplored forests and mountains. Natural home of the legendary Bigfoot.
I longed to go on a month long adventure in the wilds and I needed some top gear so I bought the Echo-Sigma Sasquatch Seeker Survival Bag. This kit drew my attention because it contained everything I’d need for my quest, all in one backpack. Additionally, and even more importantly and fun for me, this entire bag fit the theme of my exploration. Searching for Sasquatch.
The Sasquatch Seeker Survival Bag comes packed with 35 pounds of gear stuffed into a black Condor Urban Go Pack. The backpack is a 33 Liter, 2022 cubic inch Molle pack, built to hold and organize everything you’d need on your dream adventure, camping trip, get-home kit or even bug-out bag.
This Sasquatch themed backpack comes with all the essentials and a lot of fun extras, including even a kitchen sink. The sink is indeed a practical thing, especially on a Sasquatch quest. With a sink, you can rinse food, wash up using the Sasquatch Soap provided in the kit, clean gear, mix mud in the sink lined with the provided plastic bags for recording Bigfoot tracks, clean wounds, and soak tired feet.
The first thing I did after taking the kit from the shipping box was to ruck it onto my back and ramble out to the nearby wilds to give it a look. Sure, I could have opened the kit at home but Echo-Sigma said it contained everything ready to go…