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If you aren't 100% satisfied with any Emergency Kit purchase you receive from Echo-Sigma, return it unused for a full refund within 30 days. No hassle, no nonsense, no problem. We won't bog you down in endless paperwork. Your complete satisfaction is what's most important to us. We firmly believe that once you open up your order and see all of the thought, detail and quality that went into designing your kit, you'll know that you've made the right decision.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
FULL refund!
No Questions Asked!
No Nonsense!

    Echo-Sigma Money Back Guarantee

    If you decide that your kit isn't for you for any reason at all, you can call us at (424) 241-ECHO or email us at!

    Little Kids Walking Along with Echo Sigma Bag

    The Echo-Sigma No Nonsense Satisfaction Guarantee is offered only to customers in the lower 48 United States.